Board of Directors

Mr Travis Robinson

WA Chair

The WA Branch of the AIBC strives to deliver a range of high quality events for its Members throughout the year.

It is active and highly regarded in the broader WA business community, and acts as an important voice for Australia-Indonesia relations, particularly with respect to Trade and Investment.

With an already strong Membership base, the WA Branch looks forward to continuing to grow and providing greater support and benefits for its Members.

The WA Branch is delighted to be the originator of the exciting new Young Professionals initiative, which brings the next generation of business leaders together to collaborate on how we grow the cross border business relationship between the two countries.

The WA Committee comprises a full complement of energetic and enthusiastic members, with a diversity of backgrounds and experience. Thanks to the profile and activity of the AIBC in WA, high ranking representatives of the WA Government, DFAT, Austrade and the Indonesian Consulate General all sit as ex-officio members of the WA Committee.

We thank our Members and friends for their ongoing support, and invite their feedback and suggestions.