
AIBC News - Issue 156, May 2017

Those of us who care about this bilateral relationship will be disappointed with the Anti-Dumping Commission's decision to effectively make it impossible to import A4 paper from Indonesia. Coming as it does in the middle of the sensitive negotiations underway for the IA CEPA, the impact of the decision is potentially lethal. It flies in the face of the visiting President's pointed request in Sydney for a fair go on paper and palm oil.

So we can now add Bumf to Boats, Beef and Bali. We unilaterally decide to turn the boats around, stop the exports of live cattle, raise hell over the death penalty and now rollback their paper. Each and every time, we expect the Indonesians to bow to our self-promoted higher standards, our much-touted lofty principles. Those of us who have lived in, worked in or frequently travel to Asia cringe at the disdain with which these proclamations are treated by our neighbours. To continue reading the May Newsletter, please click here.