AIBC News: Issue Number 199

19th April 2024
It’s been a busy and productive year for the Australia Indonesia Business Council.
Across our membership, we are seeing strong interest in engaging with Indonesia, and in building trade and business connections with our nearest neighbour -including through the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).

Dear AIBC Members & Friends

I am pleased to present our final newsletter for 2022.

It’s been a busy and productive year for the Australia Indonesia Business Council.
Across our membership, we are seeing strong interest in engaging with Indonesia, and in building trade and business connections with our nearest neighbour -including through the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA).

Earlier in the year, we were delighted to partner with DFAT in staging the National Industry Series “Indonesia it’s time to take a Fresh look” – focussing on priority industry sectors where there is a strong alignment between Indonesian economic priorities and Australian industry capability.  Events were held across the country and attended in person, and virtually, by over 1000 participants from across Australia and Indonesia.

AIBC was also pleased to collaborate with the Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC) and the Indonesian Embassy, in hosting a series of B20 Business Forums as part of a major Indonesian B20 trade and investment delegation to Australia. The Business Forums provided an important opportunity for collaboration and dialogue between Indonesian and Australian industry and government representatives, in the lead up to Indonesia’s hosting of the B20.

More recently, AIBC was delighted to partner with the Northern Territory Government in holding its National Conference in Darwin from 2-4 November 2022.  With the theme “Partnering for Growth – Stronger,Together”, this year’s conference was an outstanding success with around 400 delegates attending in Darwin or online.  The Conference brought together government and business leaders from across Australia and Indonesia, sharing their insights on opportunities to partner with Indonesia across priority industry sectors including healthcare; education and training; the energy transition and many more.

Immediately after the National Conference, I had the privilege of representing AIBC at the B20 Summit hosted by the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) from 13-14 November in Bali.  AIBC was delighted to see such a strong delegation from Australia, led by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, with representatives from the Business Council of Australia (BCA) and the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI).

Throughout the year, AIBC’s State Chapters arranged a range of networking and other events, aimed at providing up-to-date market intelligence and connections.   AIBC’s Industry Groups (Healthcare; Mining and Energy; Agriculture and Food) were also active, providing a valuable industry sector focus for our membership and stakeholders.

To build on this great work, AIBC is pleased to announce the formation of two new Industry Groups – on Investment, Finance and Infrastructure to be chaired by Peter McGregor and on Education, Skills and Training to be chaired by Michael Fay.

AIBC could not function without the support of its volunteer representatives.  I would like to offer a special thanks to our eight Chapter Chairs, who form our National Board, along with our National Vice President, Judy Anderson, and our Immediate Past President, Phil Turtle for their ongoing advice and support, and to Tasmania Chair, Peter Craven for his role as Convenor of this year’s National Conference.   I would also like to acknowledge the contribution of Jim McMillan for his service as Treasurer over several years and to welcome on board Akuntiri Novriani as our new National Treasurer.  A big thank you also to Company Secretary, Eric de Haas, and AIBC Member Support, Belinda Dyer who work behind the scenes to provide such capable support to the organisation.

Finally on behalf of AIBC, I wish you and your families a safe and happy festive season.

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