South Australia
The SA Branch of the AIBC strives to play a vital leadership and lobbying role in the development of bilateral trade and investment between South Australia and Indonesia. SA maintains a significant membership base and targets its activities to the needs of its members, with most effort being devoted to deliver acceptable benefits to members in the pursuit of their commercial activities. This is achieved through advocacy, enabling of business networking opportunities and the sharing of key information of relevance to members.
The SA Committee is unique in that it comprises a past National President and three past State Chairs, bringing a wealth of experience and expertise in conducting business in Indonesia and sharing of new connections for AIBC members.
The SA business community is very active in Indonesia in many sectors, with special mention of SA’s strengths in education, agriculture and food, the arts, maritime services, packaging and distribution, and professional consulting services. Both sides of government are also now actively looking to Indonesia as a catalyst for local economic and investment growth and are increasingly becoming aware of the opportunities that can be realized. The AIBC remains active in supporting government engagement in Indonesia and will continue to act as an influential sounding board.
We thank our Members and friends for their ongoing support, and always welcome their suggestions and ideas for growth.
David West
SA Chair | (+61) 0490 839 220 |