National Corporate
$2,860.00 p.a. (GST inclusive)
National Corporate Membership is ideal for large organisations which operate in multiple states / territories of Australia. AIBC National Corporate Membership benefits include:
- Affiliation to AIBC branches in each state / territory across Australia with up to nine company representatives;
- Invitation to VIP events with key government officials and business leaders from both Australia and Indonesia;
- Incorporation of company logo on the AIBC’s home page;
- Discounted registration fees for AIBC events including networking functions with members and visiting delegations, government officials and business leaders; joint AIBC/IABC Business Conferences; and Trade Missions;
- Subscription to AIBCnews, the AIBC’s monthly e-newsletter;
- Access to “members only” area of which includes specialised publications and reports;
- Voting rights at AIBC elections.