About Us

The Australia Indonesia Business Council Ltd (AIBC) is the peak, non-profit business association involved with the promotion and facilitation of trade and investment between Australia and Indonesia.

The AIBC’s history dates from the early 1970s. In 1971, the Australian Indonesia Business Cooperation Committee was formed with the broad aim of promoting business relationships with Indonesia. In 1989, this organisation merged with the Australia Indonesia Chamber of Commerce, to become the Australia Indonesia Business Council. Our sister organisation in Indonesia, the Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC) has a similar history. The Dewan Kerja Sama Perusahan Indonesia Australia (DKSPIA) was active in the 1980s and evolved into the IABC.

The AIBC is now a national association with branches in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia. We are managed by a Board of Directors comprising State/Territory branch Chairs and a National President, National Vice-President and National Honorary Treasurer who are elected at the Annual General Meeting of members. The Board is supported by a National Secretariat.

AIBC members strengthen their business through up-to-date information; benefit from business and social networking; and belong to a business community with significant knowledge and contacts in both Australia and Indonesia. We provide a wide range of services to our members. For detailed information, please refer to member benefits.

AIBC’s membership is diverse and includes major corporations, professional service providers, banks, insurers, education providers, travel companies, manufacturers, trading and shipping companies, government departments, sports and cultural businesses, students and others.


